ReMedium TI Purity
Purity Matters
HLB (Citrus Greening Disease) is caused by a phloem-inhabiting proteo-bacteria, Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (Clas)
HLB is the most damaging disease of citrus, with symptoms including:
• Reduced tree health and vigor
• Leaf chlorosis, tree canopy and root biomass
• Reduced quantity of yield
• Reduced quality of yield, both internal and external
• Increased fruit drop
• Misshapen fruit
HLB Management
Currently, no citrus management program has been able to stop HLB from ravaging citrus groves. Current management practices include:
• Increased insecticide applications to control the vector (psyllid)
• Due to a decline in tree health, increased pesticide applications to control other pathogens
• Increased tree population density
• Increased foliar fertilizer and liquid fertilizer chemigation
• Novel trunk injection anti microbial
• Dissolved in 1.8-2.0 water buffered with
muriatic acid
• Stabilizes Oxytetracycline and allows
uniform distribution throughout the tree
• Pressure Fluidized Latex Injection device for trunk-injecting ReMedium TI™
• Acid Resistant & reusable
• Volume flexibility allows for one hole, once
per year on bearing citrus